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Contact & Directions

We would like to know what we could do to better serve you. Please let us know how your round was, if you enjoyed the course conditions, and how the service you received was at Serenoa Golf Club. Thank you for your patronage!

Hours of Operation:
Golf Course: In-Season: Open Daily, Dawn-Dusk | Winter: Call for Selective Hours
Pro Shop: Mon - Sun 6:00am - 6:00pm
Grill: Mon - Sat 10:30am - 8:00pm | Sun 10:30am - 6:00pm

Serenoa Golf Club
6773 Serenoa Drive
Sarasota, FL 34241

Tel: (941) 925-2755

Click on a contact below for more info and an email contact form:

Name Position Phone
Golf Shop Call or Email Us! (941) 925-2755
Kevin Paschall PGA General Manager (941) 925-2755
Jeanette Nolan Events Coordinator (941) 925-2755
Andy Secret Head Golf Professional (941) 925-2755
Sean Collins Golf Course Superintendent (941) 925-2755